
Our Blog

Is about a love of patchwork and quilting fabric, of sewing and looking at new ranges of material. Also the sewing projects I am working on and information on patchwork classes and sewing bees. 

5th Oct 2023

Busy Times

Breakdown of last 6 months and yet more reasons for lack of communication
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23rd Jan 2023

New Year

Started off the new year with a retreat to Cowslip in Launceston with a group of sewing friends which was invigorating, seeing what other people are working on inspires you to keep sewing so gro...
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18th Jan 2022

New Year news

New ranges that have arrived including Make Time by Aneela Hooey, Jungle Fever by Stacey Iest Hsu and Ladybird by Crystal Manning Workshops, Sewing Bees and Open Days happening this year and general ...
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7th May 2021

Why have I been so quiet

Over the last month or so I have been playing around with a new shape or if its not new then it is definitely new to me. Samples included
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1st Apr 2021

Springing into normality

A new range of fabric arriving every day!  Fabric collections are like buses at the moment, after a long wait they all arrive at once. I have so many plans for it all and will have samples ...
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4th Mar 2021

Light at the end of the tunnel

Looking Forward to June At long last there is light at the end of the tunnel - It won't be long before we can all see each other again and look at what we have been making and (particularly ...
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28th Jan 2021

2021 The Year of Good Health

I have decided that this year has to be healthier. Like most people I thought we would be out and about, travelling, shopping etc. by now, so why did I keep on eating, watching films (whilst sewing o...
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16th Dec 2020

Christmas is coming

I hope that everyone has a good Christmas and that you are not on your own (unless you want to be). For the first time we are home this year as my uncle is vulnerable so we have decided not to put hi...
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28th Oct 2020

Autumn is here

Well Autumn is here I love all the trees/leaves changing colour and ground covered with leaves, until they get wet and slippery. I know I have been quiet for longer than usual, been waiting for ...
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28th Sep 2020

Working (and buying) alone

I am now in week 4 of working alone which is taking some getting used to, I still say we and us and talk to myself a lot, apart from feeling a bit lonely, I think I am alright - still spending money,...
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4th Sep 2020

New Start For Online Shop

Well the physical shop has now closed and changed from blue to grey. Joan and I enlisted the help of our husbands, which meant we could tell them what to do (makes a change) and between us we clear...
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