
Autumn is here

Released On 28th Oct 2020

Well Autumn is here I love all the trees/leaves changing colour and ground covered with leaves, until they get wet and slippery.

I know I have been quiet for longer than usual, been waiting for deliveries and getting increasingly fed up although I know it is a nightmare for the suppliers as they have stock held up in ports or on ships so am not complaining just excited for new fabric.  I decided to order more from stock that is already available which means that the rest will now turn up but that would be lovely. This afternoon will be spent loading the new arrivals on the website – hoorah!

I am working on a number of projects at the moment which is new for me, I always want to completely finish a piece of work before I start another so learning how to keep the enthusiasm for more than one is new.

One of the things that I am obsessed with is Flower Bed by Liz Broderie it’s one of those lovely projects that uses bits of scrap and is easily portable. All hand pieced and as long as you have a pile of pieces cut out it can be stitched anywhere – I have friends who sit in the car whilst their children attend sport/after school classes and it gives them something to do whilst listening to the radio –I would probably fall asleep in the car but that’s just me

My other obsession is the BOM by Susan Smith called A Curious Journey, every month or so a new parcel arrives in the post from Australia which is always a surprise. So far I have spent a lot of time appliqueing the central four blocks which has been very enjoyable and because another is on its way it makes me get on with it, although I do tend to play catch up because I get distracted every so often or I am just lazy.

We are now approaching the hunkering down stage of the year where the dark nights need to be filled with sewing, cooking, eating or watching films (in my case Christmas films) and this year it seems more important than ever. 

I have one customer who spends most of the year making quilts for the Linus project and has just handed over 18 quilts for the children, she is so inspiring that I thought I would look at organising something similar but maybe for a different group of people.  If anyone has any knowledge of/or suggestions of groups/people who would benefit please let me know.

Stay safe everyone xx

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